Thursday, June 29, 2006

This 'church signage' blog is an entirely different creature from that rant I posted a little while ago about 'terrorism' vs. 'vandalism.' I enjoy checking out local church signage for the ridiculous messages they frequently put up - pithy sayings like "This church is prayer-conditioned," and admonitions about how to live your life. I've often considered putting together an installation of nothing but photos of these messages under the title "SIGNS FROM GOD?"
But until I manage to get my act together and put on such a show, I'll have to put my latest discovery up here. This one's good...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Technologic, Busta, Daft Punk, Hollertronix, Kids Screaming, Et Cetera

Daft Punk's Technologic:

Busta Rhymes' Touch It Remix:

Busta Rhymes' Touch It Hollertronix Remix:

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Doc Saunders....

holy fuck!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

in honor of todays Mexico/Portugal game . . .

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

not to be outdone, at nearly 4 in the morning on a monday night, tim posts a video of a school band playing shadow and the twilight singers doing "crazy". wonders if anyone besides us is reading the blog. wonders who was responsible for changing the format so all is centered.

Twlight Singers - Crazy

Monday, June 19, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Jacob the Jeweler Arrested!

No, they ain't conflict diamonds, but that certainly is cocaine money.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Saw this on St. Mary's yesterday and I just had to (a) take a picture of it, and (b) respond to it.
Folks (and by folks, I'm talking to the United Church Centre, or whoever is responsible for the sign), vandalism is not terrorism. There's a reason the English language has developed the word "vandalism," and that's because it's a separate concept/action from "terrorism." If your signage were correct, then there'd be no need to have developed the word "vandalism" since "terrorism" would cover it/contain it.
Here's the Merriam-Webster definition of VANDALISM: willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property. And here's the definition of TERRORISM from the same source:
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. Hi-jackings, suicide bombings, hostage taking - these are the methods of terrorism, NOT, breaking windows or grafitti-ing building walls. By equating the former with the latter, you're basically saying that juvenile delinquents belong at Guantanamo Bay along with members of Al-Qaeda. Which is utter crap - it's the same brand of crap that Dubya attempted to shovel when he uttered the words "you're either for us or against us." We don't live in a black & white world, one dictated by polarities and either/or situations - we live in a multi-hued and nuanced world. Stop trying to paint with a broad brush, get your head out of the clouds and do something constructive with your time. You're doing everyone a disservice by 'sharing' this B.S. sentiment.
no one is as awesome as these guys.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

this guy just might be the best dude ever . . .

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I'm Here Now, Okay?

I just spent a little while composing an inaugural post about hot dogs, Certified Bananas, The Clipse, and Great Stuff, but I'm pretty tired right now.

I'm going to go eat a couple of hot dogs and then turn in for the night.


Monday, June 12, 2006

man oh man am I lovin' the world cup, especially with the vaunted US squad going down in miserable defeat today! these ads are amazing, nice use of the rjd2 in the first one . . .

